This story concerning three friend, Huda, Rian and of Syahid, three adolescent who live in pesantren [in] a small town which located in Central Java area. They have plan in life they are each after graduating from and pesantren of senior high school one month again. They have a secret location, a old wall rear pesantren, where they write their expectations [in] wall. Till a situation change their life. Huda ( Nicholas Saputra), wish to look for the mother of which people say residing in a[n place [in] Jakarta. Huda come in contact with Dona Satellite ( Oil lamp of Sastrowardoyo) a singer of very sexy beginner dangdut when [in] obsession and podium become famous star [in] Jakarta. [Among/Between] planted them [of] love seeds of Rian ( Yoga of Pratama) santri from a[n metropolis. He/She get a handycam kado of mother of at the (time) of anniversary him. Entourage annual fair especially [screen/sail] of tancap which was coincidence is stopping by [in] that countryside make Rian progressively obsesif to kamera.Rian wish to continue the effort the Father of Syahid ( Good Yoga), coming from impecunious family. Father of serious suffering disease. Syahid plan big something that in life him to give impact for both friend of How their life three and form all them expectation and dream which they have write in place that secret?
source : www.infospesial.com
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