Five schoolchild people ( Rey, Dawn, Fifi, Dado, Key) meaning to plan vacation [in] West Java area, but journey of them a little a few/little because Dado have to look for news two the cousin of which still not [go/come] home as free as having the day off to Bogor. This Matter bring them into a seeking which initially seen easy to Journey bring them deadlock kesebuah misleading, till bizzare occurence start popped out one after another. Trying to look for help of them even also run to fringe rel [go] to station closest. Fatigue and panic cause they forget all story and messages of uncle's Dado [in order] not to go up cart [at] night of friday. they go up cart which was coincidence are desisting [in] station, last cart [go] to Jakarta Security which have time to embosom they change drasticly [of] moment one after another start felt bizzare gelagat, till their moment [of] conciousness that this cart do not also desist [in] some stations. Fear is truthfully started. Their moment reside in locomotive machine, in the reality nobody there. That cart walk [by] xself. They realize that they reside in in devil cart. Struggling to be able to stay, togetherness of them is even also allowed the release of because to be able to go out one of them have to become victimizing.
source : www.infospesial.com
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